Thursday, November 28, 2019

May Day Eve by Nick Joaquin Novel Review free essay sample

Today’s special short novel review is all about the May Day Eve written by the one and only Nick Joaquin. The short story, May Day Eve, carefully and brilliantly depicted the status Filipino women had during in the past. In this still seemingly patriarchal world, we are somehow forced to believe that men are superior and that women are just subordinate to men. This ideology was even more highlighted in the past, where women were totally deprived of the necessary rights that men had always enjoyed. In the story, the vital issue of marriage, wherein women are forced to marry men, was particularly portrayed.Women had lost the capacity to decide and fulfill their own desires, making their lives almost meaningless. Agueda in the story had died miserably because her life was molded into something she didnt wish. She was forced to marry don badoy montiya because the latter had a tremendous desire for her. We will write a custom essay sample on May Day Eve by Nick Joaquin: Novel Review or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Her whole life was spent grieving for the situation she cant escape.Perhaps this was because the premise of their love was based only on raging passion and nothing more. Passion, after all, is evanescent and transitory. Love cannot be based on passion alone. Their contrasting attributes perhaps were what brought them together. But it could also have been the root of the bitterness that concluded their time together.That short story May Day Eve was all about hasty decisions, most specifically on trusting in superstitions. Superstitions can lead to many kinds of paths. It can be harmful or not. They can lead to big mistakes such as marriage like what Badoy and Agueda had. Nick Joaquin was able to teach his readers a lesson on superstitions. Superstitions are not always necessarily true. I admire him because through a simple story he was able to say a lot. He also made a two-fold ending. For Voltaire, it was not difficult since he stopped believing in the superstition. For Badoy, it wasnt easy for he grieved and regretted for his marriage with Agueda.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Society and Teen Drug Use †Health Essay

Society and Teen Drug Use – Health Essay Free Online Research Papers Society and Teen Drug Use Health Essay People rarely escape the topic of drugs because they are everywhere in society; from television to magazines, from movies to radio and from social issues to public concerns. Teens are the ones most bombarded by drugs and drug paraphernalia because they are the ones targeted by dealers and traffickers. The dealers and traffickers get the leader of a group of teenagers hooked on drugs and use him/her to steer other teens towards drugs. The leader embraces anyone who does drugs and shuns anyone who does not, which forces teens to think that they need drugs to be popular. The dealers and traffickers also seek out unpopular teenagers and convince them that drugs are a quick answer to their social problems. To add to the pressure, many admired musicians place drugs into their songs, and several well-liked actors and actresses have roles in movies that contain drug usage. In fact, some of the musicians and actors are addicts themselves, which just furthermore impairs teens about making the right choices in relation to drugs and persuades them to do drugs to be â€Å"cool† like the actors. We as a society must put and end to drug use and abuse. It ruins the user’s life by forcing the user to spend all their money on their horrible addiction. Once the user is out of money, they resort to stealing which boosts up the crime rates and makes our society an unsafe place to live and work. Drugs that are injected into the user’s body via a needle help the spread of sicknesses such as the AIDS virus and Hepatitis B. To put an end to the flow of drugs, the government should raise the consequences on trafficking, possession and dealing drugs. To stop the increase of drug addicts the government should thoroughly educate teens on drug use and abuse, what drugs can to do a user’s body and how drugs consume a user’s life. Therefore peer pressure should be stopped because it can manipulate teenagers into drugs which will ruin their lives. Introduction Teens all over the world face hardships and obstacles that they must overcome in order to succeed in life. These obstacles can come in any form, but for teens in Canada, it comes as peer pressure. Peer pressure is the problem of many teenaged Canadians for it can control the actions of unwilling teenagers and force them to make bad decisions that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. To let teens succeed in life peer pressure must be stopped. Conclusion Peer pressure must be stopped because it causes the problems of numerous teenagers all over Canada, everywhere in North America and around the world. If peer pressuring someone into a bad lifestyle could be put to an end, then the world would be a better place because there would be a lot less negative influence on developing minds. Peer pressure turns perfectly good, intelligent people into drug addicts, criminals, bullies and gang members. How would you feel if peer pressure turned your child into a drug addict? Research Papers on Society and Teen Drug Use - Health EssayThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andQuebec and CanadaHip-Hop is ArtEffects of Television Violence on Children19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraCapital PunishmentMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cover Letter Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Cover Letter - Personal Statement Example In addition, I have taken a number of courses that prepare me for a career in the industry. For example, I took a diploma in professional jewelry as well as a bachelor’s degree in business management. In addition, course like hotel management have helped me learn about the relevance of hospitality and other interpersonal traits that are important in the luxury industry. In addition to the educational background, I have adequate working experience to fit into any category in the luxury industry. My working experiences include leadership posts, sales executive in luxury cars as well as advertisement internship. In addition, I speak two languages and I have found this to be a useful trait in an international industry. My education, life cultural interactions and work experience have prepared me to work in almost all sectors of the luxury industry. In addition to my dedication and work ethic, they all ensure that I am a valuable addition to your company I welcome the opportunity to discuss my skill set and the position. If you have any questions or want to schedule an interview, please contact me using this number (Insert Phone number) or this email address (insert email address). I look forward to hearing from

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

To what extent do lecturers & UG students at the Salford University Dissertation

To what extent do lecturers & UG students at the Salford University prefer to use social network or Black Board for the benefit - Dissertation Example Far more than a medium by which taxes can be filed and checkbooks can be balanced, computing technology has evolved in recent years to permit a level of social interactivity never before possible. The mere transmission of messages from person to person is an obvious consequence, but was already a telecommunications reality long before the onset of the digital age. Of vital consequence of the proliferation of computers becomes not simply a way to send simple text messages across any terrestrial distance, but a way in which vast groups of people, all over the world can interact with and know one another despite any challenge of geography. McLuhan in 1962 described the concept of a 'global village', (McLuhan, 1962) a new realm in which the transmission of information between individuals would accelerate in an unprecedented way. One message can be read by 10,000 people with no more cost or exertion to the original sender than the click of a button. This is a function of social media webs ites. Surveys indicate that over 50% of Europeans alone spend more than 3 hours on social network sites. (57%) (ComScore inc., 2009). For more statistics details on social media traffic see appendix section (Diagram L2). 1.2 DEFINITION AND HISTORY OF SOCIAL MEDIA In this context, a social network can be defined as an online, web based site that permits users to perform the following: 1. Create a public profile within a bounded system, though varying privacy options exist. 2. Publish a list of other users of the site for which affiliation, association, or affection exists. 3. Control their listing of connections, as well as explore the collections made by others with whom they have access as designated within the site. 4. Prepare post and share content in a variety of formats: text, video, and audio files. In the other hand other researchers have differing opinions on the validity and constitution of social media websites. Alternative definitions expand upon – for a more thoro ugh understanding of the 'nuts-and-bolts' of social media and social enterprise Moro-Soto defines such an outlet: i. Discussion forums (mandatory) ii. Blogs (mandatory) iii. Wikis iv. Instant messaging v. Videoconferencing vi. Documents sharing (mandatory) vii. Collaborative documents creation viii. Project or tasks management ix. (Moro-Soto et al. 2009 p.6) In the appendix section diagram (L1) shows the launch day for some of the social media. These functions of a networking site are more useful in the establishment of collaborative learning experiences. Efficient options for computer users are embracing a more directed purpose. Certain office related functions involving creative projects that require the expertise of many individuals would benefit from this approach, especially where the above-mentioned applications are facilitated using 'cloud' computing. 1.3 WEB 2.0 Through the internet, communication and various forms of exchange have been possible for years; but the above appl ications have been dubbed by certain researchers (Redecker) as Web 2.0. Higher level collaborative interactions and interconnectedness between individuals was not ease possible in earlier eras. The functions that comprise Web 2.0 have been defined as possessing the following utilities. (Redecker C. 2009p. 31-39), (Ala-Mutka, 2009 p.36,37): 1. blogging 2. podcasting 3. collaborative databases 4.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Policy Process, Part II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Policy Process, Part II - Essay Example Policy evaluation can be limited to the long term care policy to give a vivid explanation and meaning of policy evaluation. First is the assessment or judgment of quality, program effectiveness and impact of the policy. As a health care policy, the best judges on the quality of the program would be healthcare recipients. For this reason, an effective quality evaluation can be undertaken by implementing a quality assurance system. Preferably, the quality assurance system should e external; meaning that the assessment should be done by stakeholders outside the policy implementation process. A suitable example will be patients. In a pilot survey research, patients who receive treatment under the long-term care policy can be made to give their impression on the quality of the policy. Data collected in this manner can be analyzed to give policy makers a fair idea of the quality of the policy. On goal attainment evaluation, this can be left with the policy makers themselves as they are the goal setters. By definition of the strategic plan that was used in drafting the policy, policy makers should be in a policy to tell whether or not the policy has reached its goal. This assessment should, however, be done based on the timelines set for the policy. ... Data collected in this manner can be analyzed to give policy makers a fair idea of the quality of the policy. On goal attainment evaluation, this can be left with the policy makers themselves as they are the goal setters. By definition of the strategic plan that was used in drafting the policy, policy makers should be in a policy to tell whether or not the policy has reached its goal. This assessment should however be done based on the timelines set for the policy. For example if it was stated that one million people must join the policy by the end of the first year, it will be easier determining if this goal has been achieved because of the timeline and quantitative measure. Finally, assessment of the cost can be done by specially employed finance experts and consultants. The consultants will judge the cost effectiveness of the policy based on the strategic plan on cost used in drawing the policy. Analysis stage The policy analysis stage is synonymous to the evaluation stage but dif ferent in one specific way. Whereas the evaluation has the strategic plan as its focus and therefore judges only on the success of the policy, the analysis takes a step further to look into the failure of the policy as well. In the policy analysis therefore, the strategic plan is not the basis for judgment but the environmental outcome – that is how best it has influenced the world around the policy or how worse it has devastated the world around the policy. In this regard, the IEA Training Manual Module 5 (2011) explains that the policy analysis â€Å"provides baseline information, points out major linkages between decisions and environmental outcomes, and provides a starting point for consideration of more sustainable policy options.† An outstanding concept at the analysis stage

Friday, November 15, 2019

Eco Friendly Marketing: Challenges and Opportunities

Eco Friendly Marketing: Challenges and Opportunities It is no exaggeration to say a society is ruled by the logic of the environment in the 21st century. Since the 18th century industrial revolution, human beings have benefited of the richness due to the mass production and mass consumption, having a continuous growth with a progress of industrialization, industrial technology, and advanced material. However, these types of economic activities based on material growth causes serious global environmental issues such as destroy of the ozone layer, global warming, acid rain, waste disposal and so on because of the destruction of public goods that is the environment; furthermore, the level of the contamination threats the survival of mankind. Since 1970s, the worlds environmental problems have started to spread out towards the awareness of environment conservation, and in recent years the need of environmental management emerges as a new measure including international agreements and the Green Round, which is to urge connection between env ironmental problems and international trade. Because of the seriousness of these environmental issues, the paradigm which is environmentally sustainable and sound for the 21st century led to a new international economic order occurred. Therefore, each business organization should recognize a bunch of issues about environment as a member of the community, the national society, and the international community in that the issue is no longer the problem of individual countries but rather the common problem of humanity. That is, it means that there is no exception across the world. Additionally, enterprises became unable to walk away from the strategic perspective in the event that the more our societies have increasing influence to the attention called environmentalism and consumerism, the more business sectors should concentrate on social responsibilities as well as ethical aspects. From this situation above, Eco-friendly marketing is emerging as a key role in business implementation plans. In other words, what is called Eco-frien dly marketing does not fully separate environmental issues from the economic goals; on the basic principles above, it is meant that a firm may have to focus even on not only its business vision under the objectives such as the profit of outcome, market share, and product-development projects but also its social vision for example: the community interest, the preservation of the natural environment, and the formation of corporate culture. Thus, Eco-friendly marketing can be defined as a marketing strategy which is to develop an increase of attention to the interdependence among human and human, human and social, and human and natural environment. It has often, however, been argued that Eco-friendly marketing can be shown a direct effect when a company under the companys long-term goals performs Eco-friendly management in the process of all marketing decisions, turning around into the overall environmental management structure. In this regard, this essay, for this reason, begins with the idea that what the cause of the mistake in terms of the majority of companies are taking a wrong place in the Eco-friendly marketing; plus, it is necessary to point out what the true meaning of Eco-friendly marketing is. Although awareness of both companies and consumers about the environment is very different from the past and both of them recognize with depth of understanding about there is a need for a new marketing strategy, the reason it is hard to find a case of company in the true meaning of success in performing the Eco-friendly marketing is that the history of academic theory and strategies in response to environmental issues is not so long; thus, there have been lack of relevant academic frameworks. Also, because of wrong recognition widespread ¸ Eco-friendly marketing is passively considered as one of the way to make profit rather than social responsibility. In this paper, therefore, there will be an argument about theoretical aspects of Eco-friendly marketing as the emerging factor of threats as well as opportunities in the modern world Eco-friendly marketing based on the previous research; then, it aims to provide the cases of companies comparing the status in the performance of Eco- friendly marketing between South Korea and the UK in order to suggest accurate directions which can lead to sustainable development and to be performed effectively. In the middle of developing worldwide standard such as ISO Series for environmental management and Global Reporting Initiative guideline, companies should not only adopt these global standards but also precede a correct understanding of environmental conservation activities of corporations in some countries while in international trade or direct investment. In addition, there is more attention now in the world than ever before in terms of a successful case of the companys environmental conservation activities beyond national boundaries; furthermore, it is necessary to know the trends related to the reform of countries` institutional background and surroundings of the company in order to grasp why a company in a certain country is attracting attention as a success story and how the successful cases are able to apply for a particular organization. This research is primarily concerned with the theoretical background and important factors to learn about Eco-friendly marketing on the basis of existing literature, and it will be also considered theoretical background relating to environmental management as the foundation to achieve effective performance for Eco-friendly marketing. Finally, through a comparative case study including the internal and external activities of the environment management, this essay aims to examine both practical efforts and institutional structure for the background of the corporations in the UK called an advanced country related to Eco-friendly marketing activities; at the same time, there will be a suggestion to improve understanding of the situation and problems in relation to current eco-friendly marketing of South Korean companies with the right direction. Since the early 1990s, it has raised several debates for Eco-friendly marketing in the name of ‘Green Marketing by way of mass communication; still, the concept can be seen as an academic field which has not been set clearly yet. In general, Eco-friendly marketing may often be considered the marketing activity as companies not only provide products or services to meet the needs of society but also perform social and ecological balance under the mutual recognition that a consumer is not any longer a simple buyer for the sale of products but is an individual for mutual benefit.[1] Table 2-1 below reveals several concepts that were released by associated marketing groups, academic circles or scholars, and media relate to Eco-friendly marketing. [2] [3][4][5][6] [7] To begin with, it is essential to understand clearly the different features between traditional marketing which is consumer-focused marketing and Eco-friendly marketing that is social perspective in terms of ideologies, values, and systems. The table 2-2 shows the differences below. That is, [8] the philosophy of Eco-friendly marketing is not to mainly focus on the limited customer reaction which is visible, but with a wide degree of dimensions to keep emphasis on the gist of improving the quality of human life rather than material convenience or wealth, regarding the customers as its own value without being recognized as a revenue source.[9] Also, remarkably characteristic feature is often described that the majority of companies when they are in the pursuit of traditional marketing in the past days were inclined to deal with the environmental problem as an entity they want to avoid as if it is possible. However, the feature of organizations to seek Eco-friendly marketing can be defined that they do not recognize the problem related to environmental preservation as the factor of threat, but do treat the activities in the role of another opportunity that can afford competitive advantages combining with long-term profitability, focusing on interdependence with hu man, human and social, human and natural environment.[10] Finally, it can be, therefore, clarified that Eco-friendly marketing is a business practice in the pursuit of social quality including environmental basic structure, environmental living condition, and social and cultural areas that contain all of human life. (Source: Moon, S.G., 1993) [11] As in shown in the table above, Eco-friendly marketing mix consists of Product, Price, Place, Promotion of the general configuration of marketing mix but the difference with the general 4Ps is that Eco-friendly marketing mix can be called the primary methods to perform the pricing of production-elements for development of environmentally friendly products, development of reverse distribution system through recirculation of waste, development of environment-friendly corporate- image, induction of consumption-behavior based on environmental consciousness, and program development, reflecting the environmental aspects. While companies are taking over marketing activities based on the new concept of 4Ps, on the position of the companies, a new strategy that can lead to revolutionary changes is needed in order to pursue competitiveness via environmental excellence. In particular, because the fundamental approach of environmental management begins from the perspective of Life Cycle Assessment, it should be implemented by reviewing the whole process or all action plans in terms of marketing-functions among the stage from purchase of raw materials, production, packaging, distribution, and to use and final disposal of waste, at the same time, establishing new marketing strategies. (Source: Cheong, H. B., 1995) [12] The table chart shows not only the process of being integrated expansion from the ‘Ps as a key function of traditional marketing for profit-maximization to green ‘Ps as needed by Eco-friendly marketing but also relationship with green ‘S, which is possible to assess whether Eco-friendly marketing in the pursuit of economic profitability and environmental sustainability at the same time is successfully achieved. From the chart, it is quite difficult to regard the external green ‘Ps as a target for companies direct control in the event that they include customers needs, providers attitude, positions of political power and pressure groups, and a wide range of factors associated with the global environment, or other stakeholders. However, the internal green ‘Ps, which include the elements of both the traditional ‘Ps such as 4Ps and the new green ‘Ps for information, individuals of marketing mix, process, workforce, management policies and so on, can make the majority of companies direct-controls; the internal elements may be, thus, independent marketing elements of corporations and can be called the core target for successful Eco-friendly marketing. The most priority issues in the product strategy of green marketing mix need to be addressed about identification of the characteristics of environment-friendly; still, the definition of green marketing has not been clear. Hence, green product has not been clearly defined yet by the academic circle. To recapitulate, it will be suggested simple existing definitions of some scholars below. [13][14][15][16] As in Table 2-3, it is shown that previous research tried to identify green products in the two types of perspective between relative and absolute in comparison with common products. In other words, with this type of strategy of green product, the key point is to develop new green products or to transform the existing products depending on the result of evaluation-factors related to the impact on environment. Most of the existing products seem to be lack of consideration for the environment, but also because investment in new product-development need for efforts in long-term technology development, in some cases, it could be essential to consider first enhancement of the environmental preservation through the improvement of existing products. Green price means the value of the currency based on how far consumers are willing to pay according to the level of Eco-friendly products. However, these issues of green price have been one of the most controversial parts in the academic from first beginning to form the concept of Eco-friendly marketing.[17] Key issues of this controversy are you will need a higher price in order to protect environment or how consumers will respond to the factors of rise in the price in terms of high Eco-friendly degree. The reason these two issues are debatable continuously is that the establishment of a logical set is not simple. The potential consumer-awareness of business goal, cost structure, the level of profits, and products will be affected in case a company adds Eco-friendly elements to the normal price of a certain product. Especially, there must be a rise of burden related to social costs. In other words, when it comes to see from the social view, if the environmental cost is reflected in the price, then the condition of environment will be improved, but the consumption would continues to reduce. On the contrary, in case it does not constantly reflect environmental costs towards products, the consumption would be promoted. However, environment probably continues to be worse. According to Henion (1976)[18], a case in green consumption, the price appears to be preferred if only the price is on the same level, but when green products are more expensive than the price of the purchase of substitute goods, both green consumers and consumers show signs of negative reaction to green products. As a result of Gallup Institute survey (1992)[19], well over 50% of consumers in 16 countries out of 2 nations responded to the positive notion that they are willing to pay higher prices to protect environment; remarkably, in the case of South Korea, it shows extremely higher figure that other nationalities often called developed countries. However, the problem is that these results do not lead to actual purchase-behavior. It is found in the various studies to explain the fact that consumers purchase-behavior may often change depending on the extent of the price premium.[20] Therefore, despite the superiority of Eco-friendly concepts, it is, undoubtedly, true that there is no motivation to companies Eco-friendly marketing strategy even if differences of price in market competition make an effect on the strategy as an inferior factor. Through the problem stated above, it will be required a variety of ways in order to overcome these problems; firstly, the most desirable way in the long term is to increase the consumer demand for green products in order to make competitiveness in prices by means of developing technology that is able to produce green products in the low cost. Next, governments role is needed to activate the adoption of green price; that is, government should give benefit on the price competition such as subsidies for increased prime cost, tax reduction, priority while contracting with public projects, support for sales promotion and so on to the companies which try to invest in facility-development to prevent pollution and technology, reducing negative factors related to production-cost for Eco-friendly. In addition, green products should be able to compensate relative weaknesses in comparison with non Eco-friendly goods through introducing non-price elements as consumers have psychological satisfact ion that they contribute to their community by purchasing green products. In conclusion, by promoting these discriminatory properties, we can increase the sales.[21] If an element for green is added on the concept of normal distribution, the rear path can be regarded more important than the front path. In other words, consumer products that are consumed are put emphasis on the recycling problem with the perspective protecting ecological environment and recycling resources in the reverse circulation-process from customers to producers. Therefore, the green distribution strategy could define as an activity to minimize negative environmental effect that can occur in the process of production and use, delivery to consumers, disposal, recycling and reuse; furthermore, it means also the overall set of business activities in order to enhance Eco-friendly characteristics of a company with the main content including material distribution systems such as storage and transportation, distribution process in terms of wholesale and retail, reverse distribution systems for recycling, and packing activities for safe transportation and preservation of the product -value.[22] For the resolution of environmental problems, companies distribution channel management is primarily associated with distribution channels. The reason re-circulation is significant is solid waste is one of the main causes related to environmental pollution, and through the re-circulation, it can be a way that can be expected to solve efficiently problems about resource depletion.[23] The ultimate aim of recirculation not only to construct an alternative plan in economic activities of companies associated with reuse of waste and energy conservation but also to activate public education about recycling waste, boosting public interests to environment.[24] To re-iterate the point, based on Ecological-Cycle, green distribution or place can be explained that a firm try to preserve environmental conditions at a certain level by means of both using resources once again and feedback to nature; moreover, when this perspective reflect on companies distribution strategy, the primary marketing st rategy for place can be developed by re-circulation of waste.[25] As in traditional marketing, promotion strategy is the most pivotal strategic-element which a company can apply along with product strategy in the course of Eco-friendly marketing. [26] The fundamental purpose of green promotion can be explained as 2 steps. Firstly it aims to strengthen behavior and attitude of Eco-friendly consumers through distinctive perspectives between consumers who are environmentally friendly and customer who are not. Secondly, green promotion is to help consumers who are unfamiliar with Eco-friendly concept to change their attitude and behavior to Eco-friendly customers; in detail, the specific aim is to convince consumers to buy green products that are developed by companies. [27] Therefore, at the same time, it is necessary to perform integrated green communication, and green communication can be called an informative activity to announce or communicate positive implementations for environmental issues towards both internal and external depending on strategic objectives such as a response to environmental risks, improved corporate image, contributing to society, product promotions, and so on.[28] Typical way of green communication is advertising strategy and PR strategy. In green marketing, it can be explained that green advertising is a type of advertising activity in the pursuit of environmental improvement and protection; also, with a view of the content, it is to express the environmental effects of a particular product or the representation of companies identities that are environmentally friendly as a main content and can do it.[29] With green PR, it is important for Green PR strategy to improve public relation together with advertising in the event that Eco-friendly marketing is to sell a corporate image rather than to promote simply a product. Thus, it can be effective that green PR has to deliver a message that could not have been accessed by advertising. [30] In addition, these green PR activities consist of three activities such as green campaign, green event, and personnel sales.[31] Typically, the green PR is created by a certain purpose to influence from custome rs, relevant stakeholders, authorities, administrative department of government, and to corporate stakeholders (employees, managers, shareholders)via a PR means such as distribution of press-related materials, speeches, seminars, publication of annual reports, sponsorship for charitable organizations, publication of related books, lobbying activities, community relations and so on.[32] The background that a company not only has an interest in Eco-friendly marketing but also has a practice of that kind of marketing activity may be originated mostly from outside of business conditions in the direction of respect for the environment. The type of factors and intensity that affect impact directly or indirectly on introduction of Eco-friendly marketing usually vary in each of the companies depending on local circumstances. [33] Those factors can be summarized like below. Because human being is a member of eco-systems, plants, animal, natural environment in Earth have inevitably been sacrificed in order to make up the human life. Before the Industrial Revolution, the level of environmental destruction had remained at not serious situation, but as the era of mass-production/mass-consumption dawned, now the destruction of environment is exacerbating continuously with significant threats such a Global Warming, Ozone Depletion, Acid Rain, Deforestation, Decertification, Species Decimation and so on. In this atmosphere, Eco-friendly concept has been emerged as an important factor to obtain sustainable competitive advantaged among organizations. [34] Recently, in South Korea as well as the world the latest trend is Well-being. That is, most people have become preferred to purchase a product which is beneficial to our body and our planet. In other words, this phenomenon is the purpose of companies and this fact means that awareness of consumers who have a survival decision of companies is no longer passive in that consumers both select and evaluate product themselves; especially, the evaluation of impact on environment among those assessments has been more objective and rigorous than before.[35] Thus, we can describe those people who actively navigate products that are less negative impact on environment as a green consumer. The concept of green consumer was beginning to form from the end of 1960s and has raised the extended debate as a social marketing concept.[36] According to Moisander (2001)[37], in particular, green consumers can define consumer groups that not only emphasize on socially responsible consumption to overcome the crisis of todays natural environment but also prefer a product which is relatively less contaminative. The characteristic in the green consumers behavior is possible to vary depending on personal inclination, but typically green consumers require environmental information, feel the need for environmental control, seek to differentiation with general consumers, and want to maintain existing lifestyle.[38] Additionally, green consumer category can be divided into by and large three groups depending on the level of involvement about environment such as innovative consumer actively to participate in protection movement, opinion-leading consumers to purchase Eco-friendly products, and common consumer to practice saving water and energy in daily life.[39] The table represents problems green consumers consider when they purchase a product; specifically, they start from raw material and manufacturing process and consider even corporate social responsibility as a factor in their decision-making.[40] (Source: Ottman, 1995)[41] In the past, companies has been consistent with a somewhat selfish or irresponsible attitude, regarding economic development as a priority, and agencies or officials of government have also driven forward with also short-sighted development policies; in consequence, it has caused a lot of environmental damage. However, in recent years, the issues related to environmental protection and ecological devastation is going to be generalized as the premise that is the most significant in business activities as well as across the whole area of society. To put it another way, our society do not want meaningless development with ignorance of environment; furthermore, that type of development is not allowed any longer. As a result, social criticism and responsibility for causing environmental pollution as well as attack of consumer groups and environmental groups on those companies, which are not responsible for environmental problems and legal or administrative regulations from the government has been gradually increased. From those situations above, managers arrived at the idea that they should not only identify human value and quality of life, but also focus on public interest of communities and consumers satisfaction.[42] In conclusion, by means of proposed strategies in the Table , a company has been able to apply Eco-friendly marketing strategy to an alternative means, which can help to achieve Eco-friendly innovation and efficiency for a long-term survival. (Source: Ottman, J. A., 1995)[43] As environmental problems have been serious, companies are required changes in business environment. Based on these transformed business conditions, it is utilized for a company to make good use of the shift of business conditions as a source of both new revenue and growth. Unless it may be in the right place, the market would be lost due to the decline in corporate-images for environmental responsibility. The main stakeholders in companies have been changed by conditions from the times as shown in the following Table ; besides, a new paradigm of corporate management has also been reformed. (Source: Lee, B. W., 1997)[44] Through the issue of distribution-equity in the mid of 1960s and quality-oriented management in the 1970s, since 1990s, as emerging the concept called green, companies have reflected the pressure to be Eco-friendly from social communities or relevant stakeholders to their business activity from manufacturing process to service process. Consequently, the idea that the concept of total quality environmental management, which can maximize the quality of all stakeholders and move to think about future should be introduced instead of total quality management focusing on the quality of products and services has been steadily considered by companies.[45] This varied consideration can be seen as the changes of consumers consciousness gave the greatest influence because consumers now recognize responsibility of environmental protection, the degree of contribution to communities, and ethical responsibility by means of evaluation criteria. The primary goal of Eco-friendly marketing is to promote practical use as the basis to secure competitiveness after building environmental management system.[46] Also, through the goal, it aims to obtain profitability for short-term and to pursue sustainable prosperity for long-term. In other words, the key role is not only to win profit and ethical corporate-image but also to promote social welfare in the long term at the same time actively intervening in environmental issues. From the view in the position of individual companies, necessity of Eco-friendly marketing can be summarized as five representative needs such as to satisfy consumer needs, to secure business opportunities, to guarantee sustainability, to occupy better position for competitive advantages, and to strengthen national competitiveness.[47] However, among various kinds of needs, the reason Eco-friendly marketing in contemporary society is the most necessary is to ensure the survival and competitiveness of companies, gratifying requests of customer and social needs through being green of all activities related to marketing mix.[48] In addition, only Green marketing activity cannot achieve the ultimate goal; it is, therefore, essential that a company should make an integrated effort in the entire business/national level of all business activities including production/technology and all circumstances that surround companies.[49] Environmental management system on a sound basis can provide companies with an opportunity that enables environmental goals to be connected with individual objectives when they convert their idea from traditional management to environmental management, which is able to gain sustainable competitiveness and organization-growth as well as to continue environmental improvements for sound condition of Earth with the help of prearranged, proactive, preventive, and systemized activities. Above all, it is beneficial in that introducing Eco-friendly management can be linked with financial outcome; on top of that, opportunities to make sure whether resources are allocated in the right place so as to achieve the best performance as in financial/environmental aspects. Therefore, these effects can be summarized as the table below. (Source: ISO-Korea Business Research Institute, Environmental management guide, 2003)[50] Eco-friendly management had formed a lot of consensus as a new paradigm of the 21st century as well as it has been discussed not only in economic sectors but also in various fields called such as green management, green management, environmental management. (Source: Lee, B. W., 1997)[51] From the table , the concept of Eco-friendly management can be defined that a company considers the impact on environment in the whole process of all business activities, draws a plan to reduce negative effects on environment, and finally executes it on practical ways at the same time. In addition, recently it has been subdivided into individual parts including Green organization (role of organization-members, determination determination of managers, internal training, green communication and Green, Eco-friendly marketing (defined earlier), Green accounting, Green operation management (Life Cycle Assessment, acquisition of Eco-friendly labels, cleaner production).[52] Business activities including marketing activities are affected by economic/social policies and regulations of each government; moreover, a companys marketing activity should be in need for constant change because a companys strategy has to meet the requests of national or local community. Therefore, in this chapter, it can provide an analytical concept in terms of both the problems of companies Eco-friendly marketing practice and the right path of direction through investigation of environmental policies in South Korea. In South Korea, governments environmental policy aims to establish a site where Man and nature can live along together. Environmental policies in South Korea are constantly evolving with prevention-oriented environmental policy such as Eco-friendly production process, efficient use of resources, minimizing waste beyond policies following an event, which are individual media-oriented including monitoring or supervision of polluting material emissions, activating recycle, and so on. It can be recapitulated for the environmental policy of South Korea as in Table below. (Source: Ministry of Environment, Annual report, 2004)[53] Command or control is the regulated way South Korean government not only presents a certain degree of standards for a facility or activity that causes contamination but also imposes obligation to comply with the standards. In case a company or individual violates both obligations and regulations, the government will give a legal or administrative sanctions based on the environmental policy; in addition, those kinds of policies are very effective and relatively simple measures in that the impact appears quickly. As the result, it is widely used in South Korea and over the world. Economic instrument is the measures in order to achieve environmental goals by means of market as economic and financial media, and, a case in point of South Korea, there are two representative policy measures. EITS was revised in 1991 and is still the policy during execution in South Korea. It aims to promote reduction of pollution and to raise a reasonable investment funds acco

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Many Faces of Culture Essay -- Culture

Defining culture has been a debate among sociologists and anthropologists since the 19th century. Culture is vital for the perseverance of a society and has its own identity that distinguishes it from others. Culture is not rooted into a person from birth, but it is learned from wherever he or she is from. It acts in a subconscious manner in that when a culture differs, one society may find another society to be odd. Every society has a different culture where the people share a specific language, gesture, belief, behavior, norms, sanctions and more. Language greatly influences how we see the world. Languages shape the way we understand some aspects in life such as time, direction, space and even causality. For example, while English speakers tend to say â€Å"Lisa broke the vase,† Spanish and Japanese speakers would tend to say â€Å"the vase broke itself.† These opposing interpretations may cause different understandings of how events are perceived. Language is a part of culture and a part of behavior. According to the hypothesis of linguistic determinism (Sapir, 1956), â€Å"No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same social reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the same world with different labels attached.† Language and culture are so strongly connected that the precise understanding of the relationship between the two is fundamental in cross-cultural communication. Every country has a different way of greeting with one another and various kinds of gestures they share with each other. Gestures are the motions of the body to communicate with others and to express messages without using words. Gestures all vary around the globe and the meaning of ... ...e Coca-Cola Company is an example of cultural leveling because not only is Coca-Cola sold in America, but it is all across the globe such as South Korea, India and 200 other countries. The positive factor about cultural leveling is that it unifies cultures but the negative is that the cultural originality is lost. Works Cited Billikopf, Gregorio. "Cultural Differences." College of Natural Resources - UC Berkeley. 1 June 2009. Web. 08 Mar. 2011. . Jervis, Nancy. "What Is a Culture?" P-12 : NYSED. The University of the State of New York, 2006. Web. 08 Mar. 2011. . Wescott, Roger Williams. "Diffusion." NEARA Home Page. New England Antiquities Research Association, 2002. Web. 08 Mar. 2011. . The Many Faces of Culture Essay -- Culture Defining culture has been a debate among sociologists and anthropologists since the 19th century. Culture is vital for the perseverance of a society and has its own identity that distinguishes it from others. Culture is not rooted into a person from birth, but it is learned from wherever he or she is from. It acts in a subconscious manner in that when a culture differs, one society may find another society to be odd. Every society has a different culture where the people share a specific language, gesture, belief, behavior, norms, sanctions and more. Language greatly influences how we see the world. Languages shape the way we understand some aspects in life such as time, direction, space and even causality. For example, while English speakers tend to say â€Å"Lisa broke the vase,† Spanish and Japanese speakers would tend to say â€Å"the vase broke itself.† These opposing interpretations may cause different understandings of how events are perceived. Language is a part of culture and a part of behavior. According to the hypothesis of linguistic determinism (Sapir, 1956), â€Å"No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same social reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the same world with different labels attached.† Language and culture are so strongly connected that the precise understanding of the relationship between the two is fundamental in cross-cultural communication. Every country has a different way of greeting with one another and various kinds of gestures they share with each other. Gestures are the motions of the body to communicate with others and to express messages without using words. Gestures all vary around the globe and the meaning of ... ...e Coca-Cola Company is an example of cultural leveling because not only is Coca-Cola sold in America, but it is all across the globe such as South Korea, India and 200 other countries. The positive factor about cultural leveling is that it unifies cultures but the negative is that the cultural originality is lost. Works Cited Billikopf, Gregorio. "Cultural Differences." College of Natural Resources - UC Berkeley. 1 June 2009. Web. 08 Mar. 2011. . Jervis, Nancy. "What Is a Culture?" P-12 : NYSED. The University of the State of New York, 2006. Web. 08 Mar. 2011. . Wescott, Roger Williams. "Diffusion." NEARA Home Page. New England Antiquities Research Association, 2002. Web. 08 Mar. 2011. .

Monday, November 11, 2019

Analysis of “Regret” by Kate Chopin

When It Is too Late â€Å"European and American women in the nineteenth century lived in an age characterized by gender inequality† (Bomarito and Hunter, pars. 1). Women's role in a society was limited to be wives and mothers. But as time went on, things began to change. Women started to have the right of higher education and working (Bomarito and Hunter, pars. 5). They became more independent in their lives without the need of men to support. But the question is that was this change good for women or not? The American author Kate Chopin gave an example of those independent women in her short story â€Å"Regret†.In the story, a woman called Mamzelle Aurelie lived alone in her farm. She has never got married and never had children. But one day the silence in Aurelie's life was broken as she carried the burden of looking after her neighbor's four children for two weeks. One might ask how could she manage to take care of these children since she never had one? In the story Chopin describes the difficulties Aurelie faced and how she finally managed to deal with the children, also how she felt after the children left her alone.In â€Å"Regret†, Chopin uses this description to explore the change in Mamzelle Aurelie's character before and after the arrival of the children and her regret at the past. At the beginning of the story, Chopin describes Mamzelle Aurelie in masculine terms. She was unmarried and never thought of getting married. She was a middle-aged woman with a rugged appearance. â€Å"She wore a man's hat about the farm, and an old blue army overcoat when it was cold, and sometimes topboots† (Chopin 1). She was strong and capable in her every day life.She had a â€Å"determined eye† (Chopin 1), and she lived quite alone except for her dog Panto. She even ran her own farm and supervised her workers. That shows how independent and hardened woman she was. All this description appeared in Aurelie's character before the arriva l of her neighbor's children. After the arrival of the children, Aurelie became aware of the missing part of her character which is womanhood. Those children had arose this suppressed character in Aurelie. At the beginning she did not know how to deal with these children.She treated them as if they were another variety of her farm animal. But soon she realized that â€Å"little children are not little pigs† (Chopin 2). Taking care of the children required the awaken of feminine and maternal aspects in Aurelie's nature that were dormant. Therefore she brought out her â€Å"white aprons† (Chopin 2) and â€Å"got down her sewing-basket†(Chopin 2) to mend the children's clothes. She washed their feet before bed. Told them stories, and even let the youngest sleep with her. At the end of the story, the children had to go back home and leave Mamezlle Aurelie alone again.After they had awaken her maternal instinct, they left her in a great sadness and regret. â€Å"The red sunset and the blue-gray twilight had together flung a purple mist across the fields and road that hid it from her view† (Chopin 3). She realized that the void left by the children could not be filled by her own at the age of fifty. She felt regret for banning herself from a great happiness; she might have done this because she wanted her independence or because she did not find a true love.Now after discovering all these things, â€Å"she let her head fall down upon her bended arm, and began to cry† (Chopin 3). In the short story â€Å"Regret†, the change in Mamzelle Aurelie's character caused her sadness and regret. In her past life, she hid some good aspects of her character  beyond her  appearance. She seemed to be strong and appeared in man's style. But when the children had entered her life, soft sides in her character appeared. At that period , she starts doing things she had never done before.She took care of the children, and spent most of her t ime with them as if she were their mother. In those two weeks, her kind heart and  maternity  instincts revealed. And when the children left her, she realized how much time of her life she had wasted without being a mother and  banning herself from this kind of happiness. Works Cited Primary Chopin, Kate. â€Å"Regret†. New York: The Century Company, 1895. Secondary Bomarito, Jessica, and Jeffrey W. Hunter, ed. â€Å"Women in the 19th Century – Introduction†. Feminism in Literature. Vol. 2. Gale Cengage, 2005. eNotes. com.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Advantages Of Using A Safe Box Information Technology Essay Essay Example

Advantages Of Using A Safe Box Information Technology Essay Essay Example Advantages Of Using A Safe Box Information Technology Essay Essay Advantages Of Using A Safe Box Information Technology Essay Essay Artificial intelligence is the intelligence of machines and the subdivision of computing machine scientific discipline that aims to make it. AI textbooks specify the field as the survey and design of intelligent agents where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximise its opportunities of success. John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1956, defines it as the scientific discipline and technology of doing intelligent machines. AI research is extremely proficient and specialised, profoundly divided into subfields that frequently fail to pass on with each other. Subfields have grown up around peculiar establishments, the work of single research workers, the solution of specific jobs, longstanding differences of sentiment about how AI should be done and the application of widely differing tools. The cardinal jobs of AI include such traits as logical thinking, cognition, planning, acquisition, communicating, perceptual experience and th e ability to travel and pull strings objects. General intelligence ( or strong AI ) is still among the field s long term ends. For this assignment, our group will give an illustration of unreal intelligent system which is safe box. Safety box can besides be defined as safe box, electronic box, and biometric lock circuit or security box. Every householder has certain paperss, money, and household hoarded wealth that they want to maintain safe and secure within their ain place. But non every place will be able to maintain their hoarded wealth safe and non hold to worry about losing a key or burying a combination. A security box can assist maintain your valuables safe from fire and H2O. Our security boxes come in different sizes and give you a assortment of characteristics to take from such as transporting grips, cardinal locks or digital locks, froth tablets and security overseas telegrams ; every bit good as being fireproof, rainproof or mountable. Security boxes are great for hive awaying paperss, jewelry, hard currency, laptops, passports, little guns and more. It have LCD, fingerprint ID lock watchword loc k Control panels circuit board Electronic, digital, cardinal pin, card swipe, biometric, locks for safes, high quality and lowest monetary value. You can open by fingerprint, numeral codification or key. Safe box is uses high-capacity fingerprint acknowledgment detectors for fast and accurate confirmation. Merchandise Class: Biometric Solutions Model VIRDI Fingerprint Safe200 ( Fingerprint + Password+ Key ) 45KG Hand Punch Time and Attendance RF ID Lockers Problem Statement What will go on if safe box does non be in our life? John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1956, defines unreal intelligence it as the scientific discipline and technology of doing intelligent machines. Before the unreal intelligence system was set up there are many offense which happen most of the clip, the ground that we ever hear is the people involve more in offense like nerving, rob, putting to death, and etc. Because non holding the safe box, some of the people besides will frighten to maintain their expensive thing at place because they think it is non safe, so they will be have oning them when they go out. But in this state of affairs, it may pull the stealer when they see a individual who have oning with an expensive thing likes jewelries. When the stealers can non acquire entree to procure belongingss, there is a opportunity to allow the stealers will stalk and assail the belongings proprietor to derive entree. If the point is secured with a biometric device, the harm to the proprietor could be irreversible, and potentially cost more than the secured belongings. So it may do the people insecure if there is non holding a safe box. Other than that, the job that we ever face before the safety box is exist in our life is when we planned to travel for a vacation or even went out for a piece to the market the first things came cross our head is, is my material is save if I leave the house? Where we traveling to conceal our things? Can we swear our neighbors? What if natural catastrophe happens? Example like inundation, fire, tsunami, or possibly earth temblor and some accident could be happen. What we suppose make to? All this is the inquiry that ever cross in everyone head, this will be go oning if safe box does non be in our life. Furthermore, if safe box does non be in our life, People use to maintain their valuable material inside the closet, herder, under the bed and some even merely purchase a wooden box and a key-lock to maintain the things indoors. Another job that we ever worry about is the per centum of holding broken by larceny or being rob is about 90 per centum non every twelvemonth or every month but about every twenty-four hours. When this happen people scared to go forth their house and some even take the hazard to convey their valuable material together where of all time they go. Besides, since this safety box is a high-end merchandise which applied high engineering, the monetary value might be excessively expensive and it is non low-cost by most of the household. No safe box may do the unaffordable household to set their of import papers or expensive thing at place. In add-on, this fingerprint safety box might be excessively sensitive and sometimes could non observe the injured, sudating or soiled fingerprint. If the mechanical key is merely kept by the proprietor, so there will be no other can open the safety box when there is an exigency. If you ever change the watchword it will do you confused with the watchword you have change or you might retrieve your old watchword. Some of the job is when you meet with accident, it can be route accident, it besides can be at your work topographic point particularly when the accident impact your fingerprint, it will take to difficulty to open the box and one job have non work out another one is coming. So, can see it there are a batch of job if we no holding a safe box. Since the universe has been upgrade the engineering has discover one time of the save manner to maintain things which they have design, trial, make a comparing and produce from a batch of stuff. They eventually found the most suited stuff which is metal, safe box. Description: Degree centigrade: UsersUserDownloadsimages ( 4 ) .jpg Advantages There are a batch of advantages of this fingerprint safety box. Safe box provides you with sleek, safe A ; convenient storage for anything better than maintain your material in a herder or even put it under your mattress. For illustration, hoarded wealth, money, of import papers and any of import thing because the safe box is no easy to open without the key, watchword, and fingerprint. If user s incorrect action causes lock failure or lost cardinal, he or she can seek to verify it with fingerprint. So even the users forgot the watchword, or lost the key, he or she besides can open the safe box with his or her fingerprint. In add-on, its heavy weight is besides a benefit as it is non easy to be stolen by any stealer. The dismay system besides seen as a powerful defends for avoids the stealer force to open it. Furthermore, its compact size allows you to hive away your valuables in tight infinites or even while going. The high engineering of this safe box enable the proprietor to minim ise the clip of opening safety box by merely a finger touch on the scanner on the safety box, it will be automatically opened. This is one of the unreal intelligence parts of this safety box, thumbprint. Besides, it is about impossible for a stealer or other individual beside the proprietor himself to open the safety box and acquire the valuable things in the safety box. In add-on, watchwords can be cracked and locks can be picked, but it is a batch more hard to forge a fingerprint, the stealer must acquire the proprietor s fingerprint, watchword, and key, are highly impossible. The proprietor could merely manus over the mechanical key which is a trim key of the safety box that can open it without the fingerprint and watchword to person trusted to maintain it as for exigency usage. Following, utilizing this safe box does non necessitate us to wait because the door will open within a 2nd automatically when it accepts and acknowledge your fingerprint, your watchword and key. Safety box is non like computing machine where it requires excess hardware and package. It is easy and safely used by kids, pupils, and handicapped people at any topographic point for case, around the schools, infi rmaries and busy concern environments. This box besides can be used carried to both indoor and out-of-door with reversible grip. Another benefit of utilizing this box is locks can non be manipulated or bypassed. Each finger is alone with ain type. It excessively provides automatic dismay system as if the safe is non closed decently, the low battery warning dismay which will alarm us to be more careful will work. Pry cogent evidence physique and carpeted inside of the safe box besides give protect your of import points from any harm. These particular surface interventions for both inside and outside brand satisfying designs for places. Last, A interlocks with direction package ( VIRDI Audit Viewer ) to pull off safe entree history and timer apparatus for transparent and efficient usage of safe. However, some might questioned what would go on if the proprietor is in exigency but could non make the safety box in clip. Description: hypertext transfer protocol: // Specification The specificationsA of safe box are that it is a safe box which holding the fingerprint system and mechanical key system and watchword system which with 12 keys numeral computer keyboard and the protection dismay system. It besides a safe box that advanced arithmetic optimizes image direction and alone fingerprint acknowledgment engineering. This safe box can verify with the fingerprint system and watchword system and mechanical key. If fail to unlock withA fingerprint, you could utilize mechanical key and watchword system for exigency. Pull offing fingerprint automatically, the fingerprint will be saved when near the door, and cleared when open the door automatically, really convenient for usage, and low-tension dismay. Emergency dismay Buzzer and illuming led when it forced opening door, clip to replace by new battery Buzzer when it is input incorrect watchword over 4 times ( no working for 30 2nd ) . It besides supports external power. It has stainless steel organic structure. The safe box look intoing control history can ( up to max 5,000 ) . The stuff and the lock type of safe box are the solid steel and the electronic. It holding 240mm ( W ) A- 335mm ( H ) A- 242mm ( D ) of internal dimensions and 360mm ( W ) A- 455mm ( H ) A- 370mm ( D ) of external measurings. The mass ( kg/Lbs. ) and capacity ( three-dimensional pess ) of safe box are 55kg/99Lbs and 0.69cubic pess. The false credence rate is lower than 0.0001 % FRR and the false rejection rate besides lower than 0.01 % . This Safe box merely can be located in -10 to 55celcius degree topographic points. It is utilizing the USB overseas telegram with Audit Viewer package and the system power supply is 4AA ( battery ) 6V. The safe box owns 16 difference types of coloring material. This safe box enables to look into opening A ; shutting informations and history, and the informations through separate users fingerprint. It besides has 32bit RISC, 80 Template Capacity, 5000 Log Stored, 2 LED A ; Buzzeer. The battery operated about for 15months. Description: hypertext transfer protocol: // Description: hypertext transfer protocol: // Measurement: 200*420*370mm, Width of organic structure: 1.3mm, Width of door: 6mm, Net weight: 10kgs Description: hypertext transfer protocol: // Description: hypertext transfer protocol: // Decision Safe box is a security box and type of unreal intelligence system which will supply human being with smooth, safe A ; convenient storage for anything such as of import paperss, hoarded wealth, money, and any of import thing because the safe box is no easy to open without the key, watchword, and fingerprint. It is expedient to utilize as it does non necessitate users to transport particular tools for confirmation. Besides, interlocks with direction package ( VIRDI Audit Viewer ) to pull off safe entree history and timer apparatus for transparent and efficient usage of safe. Furthermore, strong anti-fire capacity that passed the two-hour anti-fire cheque of the Korea Institute of Construction Technology. It excessively make available automatic dismay system as if the safe is non closed decently, the low battery warning dismay which will alarm us to be more cautious will work. It is about impossible for a stealer or other individual beside the proprietor himself to open the safety box and acquire the cherished materials in the safety box. Safe Boxs are great for all people unreplaceable points of worth.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Last Glacial Maximum - Last Major Global Climate Change

Last Glacial Maximum - Last Major Global Climate Change The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) refers to the most recent period in earths history when the glaciers were at their thickest and the sea levels at their lowest, roughly between 24,000–18,000 calendar years ago (cal bp). During the LGM, continent-wide ice sheets covered high-latitude Europe and North America, and sea levels were between 400–450 feet (120–135 meters) lower than they are today. At the height of the Last Glacial Maximum, all of Antarctica, large parts of Europe, North America, and South America, and small parts of Asia were covered in a steeply domed and thick layer of ice. Last Glacial Maximum: Key Takeaways The Last Glacial Maximum is the most recent time in earths history when the glaciers were at their thickest.  That was approximately 24,000-18,000 years ago.  All of Antarctica, large parts of Europe, North and South America, and Asia were covered by ice.  A stable pattern of glacial ice, sea level, and carbon in the atmosphere has been in place from about 6,700 years.That pattern has been destabilized by global warming as a result of the Industrial Revolution.   Evidence The overwhelming evidence of this long-gone process is seen in sediments laid down by sea level changes all over the world, in coral reefs and estuaries and oceans; and in the vast North American plains, landscapes scraped flat by thousands of years of glacial movement. In the lead up to the LGM between 29,000 and 21,000 cal bp, our planet saw constant or slowly increasing ice volumes, with the sea level reaching its lowest level (about 450 feet below todays norm) when there was about 52x10(6) cubic kilometers more glacial ice than there is today. Characteristics of the LGM Researchers are interested in the Last Glacial Maximum because of when it happened: it was the most recent globally impacting climate change, and it happened and to some degree affected the speed and trajectory of the colonization of the American continents. The characteristics of the LGM that scholars use to help identify the impacts of such a major change include fluctuations in effective sea level, and the decrease and subsequent rise in carbon as parts per million in our atmosphere during that period. Both of those characteristics are similar- but opposite to- the climate change challenges we are facing today: during the LGM, both the sea level and percentage of carbon in our atmosphere were substantially lower than what we see today. We do not as yet know the entire impact of what that means to our planet, but the effects are currently undeniable. The table below shows the changes in effective sea level in the past 35,000 years (Lambeck and colleagues) and parts per million of atmospheric carbon (Cotton and colleagues). Years BP, Sea Level Difference, PPM Atmospheric Carbon2018, 25 centimeters, 408 ppm1950, 0, 300 ppm1,000 BP, -.21 meters -.07, 280 ppm5,000 BP, -2.38 m /-.07, 270 ppm10,000 BP, -40.81 m /-1.51, 255 ppm15,000 BP, -97.82 m /-3.24, 210 ppm20,000 BP, -135.35 m /-2.02, 190 ppm25,000 BP, -131.12 m /-1.330,000 BP, -105.48 m /-3.635,000 BP, -73.41 m /-5.55 The major cause of sea level drop during the ice ages was the movement of water out of the oceans into ice and the planets dynamic response to the enormous weight of all that ice atop our continents. In North America during the LGM, all of Canada, the southern coast of Alaska, and the top 1/4 of the United States were covered with ice extending as far south as the states of Iowa and West Virginia. Glacial ice also covered the western coast of South America, and in the Andes extending into Chile and most of Patagonia. In Europe, the ice extended as far south as Germany and Poland; in Asia ice sheets reached Tibet. Although they saw no ice, Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania were a single landmass; and mountains throughout the world held glaciers. The Progress of Global Climate Change Visitors walking on a trail that leads to the melting and rock-covered Pasterze glacier hike past a lake of glacier water in a rocky basin once filled at least 60 meters deep by glacier ice on August 27, 2016 near Heiligenblut am Grossglockner, Austria. The European Environmental Agency predicts the volume of European glaciers will decline by between 22% and 89% by 2100, depending on the future intensity of greenhouse gases.   Sean Gallup/Getty Images The late Pleistocene period experienced a sawtooth-like cycling between cool glacial and warm interglacial periods  when global temperatures and atmospheric CO2 fluctuated up to 80–100 ppm corresponding with temperature variations of 3–4 degrees Celsius (5.4–7.2 degrees Fahrenheit): increases in atmospheric CO2 preceded decreases in global ice mass. The ocean stores carbon (called carbon sequestration) when the ice is low, and so the net influx of carbon in our atmosphere which is typically caused by cooling gets stored in our oceans. However, a lower sea level also increases salinity, and that and other physical changes to the large-scale ocean currents and sea ice fields also contribute to carbon sequestration. The following is the latest understanding of the process of climate change progress during the LGM from Lambeck et al. 35,000–31,000 cal BP- slow fall in sea level (transitioning out of Ã…lesund Interstadial)31,000–30,000 cal BP- rapid fall of 25 meters, with rapid ice growth especially in Scandinavia29,000–21,000  cal BP- constant or slowly growing ice volumes, eastward and southward expansion of the Scandinavian ice sheet and the southward expansion of the Laurentide ice sheet, lowest at 2121,000–20,000 cal BP- onset of deglaciation,20,000–18,000 cal BP- short-lived sea level rise of 10-15 meters18,000–16,500 cal BP- near constant sea level16,500–14,000 cal BP- major phase of deglaciation, effective sea level change about 120 meters at an average of 12 meters per 1000 years14,500–14,000 cal BP- (Bà ¸lling- Allerà ¸d warm period), high rate of se-level  rise, average rise in sea level 40 mm annually14,000–12,500 cal BP- sea level rises ~20 meters in 1500 years12,500–11,500 cal BP- (Younger Dryas), a much-reduced rate of s ea-level  rise11,400–8,200 cal BP- near-uniform global rise, about 15 m/1000 years8,200–6,700 cal BP- reduced rate of sea-level  rise, consistent with the final phase of North American deglaciation at 7ka 6,700 cal BP–1950- progressive decrease in sea level rise1950–present- first sea rise increase in 8,000 years Global Warming and Modern Sea Level Rise By the late 1890s, the industrial revolution had begun throwing enough carbon into the atmosphere to impact the global climate and start the changes that are currently underway. By the 1950s, scientists such as Hans Suess and Charles David Keeling began to recognize the inherent dangers of human-added carbon in the atmosphere. The global mean sea level (GMSL), according to the Environmental Protection Agency, has risen nearly 10 inches since 1880, and by all measures appears to be accelerating.   Most early measures of current sea level rise have been based on changes in tides at the local level. More recent data comes from satellite altimetry that samples the open oceans, allowing for precise quantitative statements. That measurement began in 1993, and the 25-year record indicates that the global mean sea level has risen at a rate of between 3/-.4 millimeters per year, or a total of nearly 3 inches (or 7.5 cm) since records began. More and more studies indicate that unless carbon emissions are decreased, an additional 2–5 feet (.65–1.30 m) rise by 2100 is likely.   Specific Studies and Long-Term Predictions U.S. Fish and Wildlife ecologist Phillip Hughes inspects dead buttonwood trees which have succumbed to salt water incursion in Big Pine Key, Florida. Since 1963, the Florida Keys upland vegetation is being replaced by salt tolerant vegetation.   Joe Raedle/Getty Images Areas already impacted by sea level rises include the American east coast, where between 2011 and 2015, sea levels rose up to five inches (13 cm). Myrtle Beach in South Carolina experienced high tides in November 2018 which flooded their streets. In the Florida Everglades (Dessu and colleagues 2018), sea level rise has been measured at 5 in (13 cm) between 2001 and 2015. An additional impact is an increase in salt spikes changing the vegetation, due to an increase in inflow during the dry season. Qu and colleagues (2019) studied 25 tidal stations in China, Japan and Vietnam and tidal data indicate that the 1993–2016 sea level rise was 3.2 mm per year (or 3 inches).   Long-term data have been collected throughout the world, and estimates are that by 2100, a 3–6 feet (1–2 meter) rise in the Mean Global Sea Level is possible, accompanied by a 1.5–2 degree Celsius in overall warming. Some of the direst suggest a 4.5-degree rise is not impossible if carbon emissions are not reduced.  Ã‚   The Timing of the American Colonization According to the most current theories, the LGM impacted the progress of human colonization of the American continents. During the LGM, entry into the Americas was blocked by ice sheets: many scholars now believe that the colonists began entering into the Americas across what was Beringia, perhaps as early as 30,000 years ago. According to genetic studies, humans were stranded on the Bering Land Bridge during the LGM between 18,000–24,000 cal BP, trapped by the ice on the island before they were set free by the retreating ice. Sources Bourgeon L, Burke A, and Higham T. 2017. Earliest Human Presence in North America Dated to the Last Glacial Maximum: New Radiocarbon Dates from Bluefish Caves, Canada. PLOS ONE 12(1):e0169486.Buchanan PJ, Matear RJ, Lenton A, Phipps SJ, Chase Z, and Etheridge DM. 2016. The simulated climate of the Last Glacial Maximum and insights into the global marine carbon cycle. Climate of the Past 12(12):2271-2295.Cotton JM, Cerling TE, Hoppe KA, Mosier TM, and Still CJ. 2016. Climate, CO2, and the history of North American grasses since the Last Glacial Maximum. Science Advances 2(e1501346).Dessu, Shimelis B., et al. Effects of Sea-Level Rise and Freshwater Management on Long-Term Water Levels and Water Quality in the Florida Coastal Everglades. 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Monday, November 4, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Economics - Essay Example It is a type of RAM that retains its data only if it is continuously accessed by a refresher circuit, in the absence of which it loses its contents. All personal computers use DRAM, as against SRAM (static random access memory), because they are much cheaper and occupy much less space (PC Guide, 2001). Online technology news publication Network World reported on January 4, 2011, that towards the end of 2010 until the date of writing, there had been an oversupply of DRAM which sent prices to its lowest price in one year (Jennings, 2011). The situation was blamed on post-holiday oversupply, also sending prices for personal computers lower. 3.0 Analysis 3.1 Supply and Demand Demand is â€Å"a desire for a good, backed by ability and willingness to pay.† Market demand is the cumulative demand of all buyers (Dwivedi, 2005, p. 34). The law of demand is â€Å"all things being equal, the amount demanded increases with a fall in price and diminishes with a rise in price† (Marsha ll, quoted in Dwivedi, 2005, p. 35). In the article, it was mentioned that earlier in 2010 there had been a forecast of shortage for the DRAM. The forecast was based on a Goldman Sachs PC unit growth forecast made in March 17, 2010 (Telecoms Korea, 2010). Because DRAMs are major components of PCs, there was a projected increase in demand for DRAMs to service the higher demand for PC manufactures. As the market unfolded for the rest of the year, however, it became apparent that the forecasted demand was overestimated. Supply is â€Å"the quantity of a commodity which its producers or sellers offer for sale at a given price, per unit of time.† Market supply is the sum of supplies of commodity by all individual firms (Dwivedi, 2005, p. 47). The law of supply is â€Å"all things being equal, the quantity supplied increases with the increase in price, and decreases with the decrease in price† (Dwivedi, 2005, p. 47). In the article, it was mentioned that beginning December, as the holiday shopping season lost momentum, major semiconductor manufacturers continued to output DRAMs in large volume, purported to stay competitive. This was due to the earlier forecast of a DRAM shortage, for which companies increased factory capacity, that in turn required higher production outputs to even out the additional overhead and maintain a lower per unit cost. Figure 1 following is a graph of the superimposed supply and demand curves. It is evident that increasing price leads to an increase in quantity supplied and decrease in quantity demanded. The point at which the two curves intersect is the equilibrium point, representing the price at which the quantity demanded is equal to the quantity supplied, and transactions take place. It is at this point where the market is made. There are shaded portions of the graph where surplus and shortages are represented. The interest of this paper is the area above the equilibrium point, where surplusage, or oversupply, occurs. At these prices, the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded, forcing the suppliers to lower their prices. Figure 1: Law of Supply and Demand 3.2 Oversupply (Surplus) Oversupply occurs when the quantity supplied exceeds quantity demanded. This would tend to drive prices down, because suppliers would tend to outbid each other in a price war

Friday, November 1, 2019

Human Resource Management Practices Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human Resource Management Practices - Assignment Example Internally, the employer faces the challenge of understaffing and lack of people with expertise in the major fields of practice. Externally, the employer is faced with stiff competition from other employers offering competitive employee benefits. Many employees with specialized skills have been poached from the company.SWOT Analysis:Strengths- good working relationships with the employees. Ability to understand the needs of and challenges facing the workforce. Weaknesses- Poor compensation for workers, understaffed organization. Opportunities- Availability of qualified personnel that are willing to learn including graduates that can be taped and trained to improve organizational performance.Threats- A highly competitive environment with organizations that offer better salaries for trained workers resulting in the problem of poaching. The challenges that the employer is facing can be addressed through human resources management practices to improve the employer’s competitivenes s. There is required a strong human resources department that is well equipped for the organization. To ensure the attraction and retention of people with quality skills and competence, human resources management practices of work-life balance, training and development and compensation must be affected. There should be instituted flexible working schedules for the employees and training and development to ensure that employees have the necessary skills, and there exist proper promotional procedures. Â