Friday, November 8, 2019

Advantages Of Using A Safe Box Information Technology Essay Essay Example

Advantages Of Using A Safe Box Information Technology Essay Essay Example Advantages Of Using A Safe Box Information Technology Essay Essay Advantages Of Using A Safe Box Information Technology Essay Essay Artificial intelligence is the intelligence of machines and the subdivision of computing machine scientific discipline that aims to make it. AI textbooks specify the field as the survey and design of intelligent agents where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximise its opportunities of success. John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1956, defines it as the scientific discipline and technology of doing intelligent machines. AI research is extremely proficient and specialised, profoundly divided into subfields that frequently fail to pass on with each other. Subfields have grown up around peculiar establishments, the work of single research workers, the solution of specific jobs, longstanding differences of sentiment about how AI should be done and the application of widely differing tools. The cardinal jobs of AI include such traits as logical thinking, cognition, planning, acquisition, communicating, perceptual experience and th e ability to travel and pull strings objects. General intelligence ( or strong AI ) is still among the field s long term ends. For this assignment, our group will give an illustration of unreal intelligent system which is safe box. Safety box can besides be defined as safe box, electronic box, and biometric lock circuit or security box. Every householder has certain paperss, money, and household hoarded wealth that they want to maintain safe and secure within their ain place. But non every place will be able to maintain their hoarded wealth safe and non hold to worry about losing a key or burying a combination. A security box can assist maintain your valuables safe from fire and H2O. Our security boxes come in different sizes and give you a assortment of characteristics to take from such as transporting grips, cardinal locks or digital locks, froth tablets and security overseas telegrams ; every bit good as being fireproof, rainproof or mountable. Security boxes are great for hive awaying paperss, jewelry, hard currency, laptops, passports, little guns and more. It have LCD, fingerprint ID lock watchword loc k Control panels circuit board Electronic, digital, cardinal pin, card swipe, biometric, locks for safes, high quality and lowest monetary value. You can open by fingerprint, numeral codification or key. Safe box is uses high-capacity fingerprint acknowledgment detectors for fast and accurate confirmation. Merchandise Class: Biometric Solutions Model VIRDI Fingerprint Safe200 ( Fingerprint + Password+ Key ) 45KG Hand Punch Time and Attendance RF ID Lockers Problem Statement What will go on if safe box does non be in our life? John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1956, defines unreal intelligence it as the scientific discipline and technology of doing intelligent machines. Before the unreal intelligence system was set up there are many offense which happen most of the clip, the ground that we ever hear is the people involve more in offense like nerving, rob, putting to death, and etc. Because non holding the safe box, some of the people besides will frighten to maintain their expensive thing at place because they think it is non safe, so they will be have oning them when they go out. But in this state of affairs, it may pull the stealer when they see a individual who have oning with an expensive thing likes jewelries. When the stealers can non acquire entree to procure belongingss, there is a opportunity to allow the stealers will stalk and assail the belongings proprietor to derive entree. If the point is secured with a biometric device, the harm to the proprietor could be irreversible, and potentially cost more than the secured belongings. So it may do the people insecure if there is non holding a safe box. Other than that, the job that we ever face before the safety box is exist in our life is when we planned to travel for a vacation or even went out for a piece to the market the first things came cross our head is, is my material is save if I leave the house? Where we traveling to conceal our things? Can we swear our neighbors? What if natural catastrophe happens? Example like inundation, fire, tsunami, or possibly earth temblor and some accident could be happen. What we suppose make to? All this is the inquiry that ever cross in everyone head, this will be go oning if safe box does non be in our life. Furthermore, if safe box does non be in our life, People use to maintain their valuable material inside the closet, herder, under the bed and some even merely purchase a wooden box and a key-lock to maintain the things indoors. Another job that we ever worry about is the per centum of holding broken by larceny or being rob is about 90 per centum non every twelvemonth or every month but about every twenty-four hours. When this happen people scared to go forth their house and some even take the hazard to convey their valuable material together where of all time they go. Besides, since this safety box is a high-end merchandise which applied high engineering, the monetary value might be excessively expensive and it is non low-cost by most of the household. No safe box may do the unaffordable household to set their of import papers or expensive thing at place. In add-on, this fingerprint safety box might be excessively sensitive and sometimes could non observe the injured, sudating or soiled fingerprint. If the mechanical key is merely kept by the proprietor, so there will be no other can open the safety box when there is an exigency. If you ever change the watchword it will do you confused with the watchword you have change or you might retrieve your old watchword. Some of the job is when you meet with accident, it can be route accident, it besides can be at your work topographic point particularly when the accident impact your fingerprint, it will take to difficulty to open the box and one job have non work out another one is coming. So, can see it there are a batch of job if we no holding a safe box. Since the universe has been upgrade the engineering has discover one time of the save manner to maintain things which they have design, trial, make a comparing and produce from a batch of stuff. They eventually found the most suited stuff which is metal, safe box. Description: Degree centigrade: UsersUserDownloadsimages ( 4 ) .jpg Advantages There are a batch of advantages of this fingerprint safety box. Safe box provides you with sleek, safe A ; convenient storage for anything better than maintain your material in a herder or even put it under your mattress. For illustration, hoarded wealth, money, of import papers and any of import thing because the safe box is no easy to open without the key, watchword, and fingerprint. If user s incorrect action causes lock failure or lost cardinal, he or she can seek to verify it with fingerprint. So even the users forgot the watchword, or lost the key, he or she besides can open the safe box with his or her fingerprint. In add-on, its heavy weight is besides a benefit as it is non easy to be stolen by any stealer. The dismay system besides seen as a powerful defends for avoids the stealer force to open it. Furthermore, its compact size allows you to hive away your valuables in tight infinites or even while going. The high engineering of this safe box enable the proprietor to minim ise the clip of opening safety box by merely a finger touch on the scanner on the safety box, it will be automatically opened. This is one of the unreal intelligence parts of this safety box, thumbprint. Besides, it is about impossible for a stealer or other individual beside the proprietor himself to open the safety box and acquire the valuable things in the safety box. In add-on, watchwords can be cracked and locks can be picked, but it is a batch more hard to forge a fingerprint, the stealer must acquire the proprietor s fingerprint, watchword, and key, are highly impossible. The proprietor could merely manus over the mechanical key which is a trim key of the safety box that can open it without the fingerprint and watchword to person trusted to maintain it as for exigency usage. Following, utilizing this safe box does non necessitate us to wait because the door will open within a 2nd automatically when it accepts and acknowledge your fingerprint, your watchword and key. Safety box is non like computing machine where it requires excess hardware and package. It is easy and safely used by kids, pupils, and handicapped people at any topographic point for case, around the schools, infi rmaries and busy concern environments. This box besides can be used carried to both indoor and out-of-door with reversible grip. Another benefit of utilizing this box is locks can non be manipulated or bypassed. Each finger is alone with ain type. It excessively provides automatic dismay system as if the safe is non closed decently, the low battery warning dismay which will alarm us to be more careful will work. Pry cogent evidence physique and carpeted inside of the safe box besides give protect your of import points from any harm. These particular surface interventions for both inside and outside brand satisfying designs for places. Last, A interlocks with direction package ( VIRDI Audit Viewer ) to pull off safe entree history and timer apparatus for transparent and efficient usage of safe. However, some might questioned what would go on if the proprietor is in exigency but could non make the safety box in clip. Description: hypertext transfer protocol: // Specification The specificationsA of safe box are that it is a safe box which holding the fingerprint system and mechanical key system and watchword system which with 12 keys numeral computer keyboard and the protection dismay system. It besides a safe box that advanced arithmetic optimizes image direction and alone fingerprint acknowledgment engineering. This safe box can verify with the fingerprint system and watchword system and mechanical key. If fail to unlock withA fingerprint, you could utilize mechanical key and watchword system for exigency. Pull offing fingerprint automatically, the fingerprint will be saved when near the door, and cleared when open the door automatically, really convenient for usage, and low-tension dismay. Emergency dismay Buzzer and illuming led when it forced opening door, clip to replace by new battery Buzzer when it is input incorrect watchword over 4 times ( no working for 30 2nd ) . It besides supports external power. It has stainless steel organic structure. The safe box look intoing control history can ( up to max 5,000 ) . The stuff and the lock type of safe box are the solid steel and the electronic. It holding 240mm ( W ) A- 335mm ( H ) A- 242mm ( D ) of internal dimensions and 360mm ( W ) A- 455mm ( H ) A- 370mm ( D ) of external measurings. The mass ( kg/Lbs. ) and capacity ( three-dimensional pess ) of safe box are 55kg/99Lbs and 0.69cubic pess. The false credence rate is lower than 0.0001 % FRR and the false rejection rate besides lower than 0.01 % . This Safe box merely can be located in -10 to 55celcius degree topographic points. It is utilizing the USB overseas telegram with Audit Viewer package and the system power supply is 4AA ( battery ) 6V. The safe box owns 16 difference types of coloring material. This safe box enables to look into opening A ; shutting informations and history, and the informations through separate users fingerprint. It besides has 32bit RISC, 80 Template Capacity, 5000 Log Stored, 2 LED A ; Buzzeer. The battery operated about for 15months. Description: hypertext transfer protocol: // Description: hypertext transfer protocol: // Measurement: 200*420*370mm, Width of organic structure: 1.3mm, Width of door: 6mm, Net weight: 10kgs Description: hypertext transfer protocol: // Description: hypertext transfer protocol: // Decision Safe box is a security box and type of unreal intelligence system which will supply human being with smooth, safe A ; convenient storage for anything such as of import paperss, hoarded wealth, money, and any of import thing because the safe box is no easy to open without the key, watchword, and fingerprint. It is expedient to utilize as it does non necessitate users to transport particular tools for confirmation. Besides, interlocks with direction package ( VIRDI Audit Viewer ) to pull off safe entree history and timer apparatus for transparent and efficient usage of safe. Furthermore, strong anti-fire capacity that passed the two-hour anti-fire cheque of the Korea Institute of Construction Technology. It excessively make available automatic dismay system as if the safe is non closed decently, the low battery warning dismay which will alarm us to be more cautious will work. It is about impossible for a stealer or other individual beside the proprietor himself to open the safety box and acquire the cherished materials in the safety box. Safe Boxs are great for all people unreplaceable points of worth.

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