Monday, December 30, 2019

Sexually Explicit Content Can Corrupt The Future...

The internet offers material to a child that is important to their education and upbringing, and it provides them with promise and hope in this new age of technology. It is also a source of concern; the internet provides children with the vulnerability of exposure to sexually explicit materials. This essay will cover the ways in which the exposure to sexually explicit content can corrupt the future generation of children, in which ways in can influence their future and future decisions, and how the ‘pornification’ of society is damaging the children. Searching for pornographic material or sexual content is as easy as searching the word sex into any search bar, where it will come along with videos, photos, or even chatrooms. There was a time in which it was a taboo to look at or talk about pornography, and at those stages children only had a brief glance at it, heard about it, or had any contact with it. With today’s growing technology there is internet available on smartphones, PC computers, music devices, entertainment devices (such as Playstation or Xbox); and with all of this it is extremely difficult to keep track of what the future generation of children are watching, where they are watching it, or who they are watching it with. In 2009, a survey was conducted on Australian children to measure the percentage of children aged 5-8 and 12-14 that had a mobile Smartphone with internet access. 2% of children aged 5-8 had a Smartphone with internet access, while an extremeShow MoreRelatedMPAA Rating System Essay examples1566 Words   |  7 Pagesappear in films. In 1966, the MPAA elected Jack Valenti president and he changed the code to a rating system based on the amount of objectionable content in a film. The rating system went through several amendments until the current rating system. 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Due to the instability of relying on its exports, Venezuelans have developed an unhealthy system of capitalizing on the here and now for personal progress and not waiting for the unsure future. Both the pattern of success and lack thereof, of the ability of the government to provide public services is in direct correlation with the world markets demand and price for Venezuelas oil. Political History In 1958, the first popularlyRead MorePostmodernism and the Simpsons10775 Words   |  44 Pagesloss of historical reality in the postmodern era. In the final section we examine how Baudrillard’s theory of hyperreality can be applied to The Simpsons. Particular attention is given to the role of the mass media in the construction of postmodern hyperreality, in order to illustrate the media’s influence on Springfield’s most famous citizen, Homer Simpson. 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HD58.7.R62 2012 658.3—dc23 2011038674 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 10: 0-13-283487-1 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-283487-2 Brief Contents Preface xxii 1 2 Introduction 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? 3 The Individual 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Diversity in Organizations 39 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 69 Emotions and Moods 97 Personality and Values 131 Perception and Individual

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Problem Of Domestic Violence - 860 Words

This research paper is design to help us understand how much of a problem that domestic violence is. This data used in this research was gather from numerous sources including journals, articles and a book. The purpose of using this data from the resources breakdown the components how the police culture and domestic violence operate on the same level on independence without any repercussions or interference the research also looks the responses of Honolulu Police department and how its policies and standards are ignored and overlooked by many police officers. Domestic violence is a continuous cycle that locks the abuser and victim into a loop that neither one nor the other has the ability to escape without intervention from an outside source. Tension building phase-Tension builds over common domestic issues like money, children or jobs. Verbal abuse begins. The victim tries to control the situation by pleasing the abuser, giving in or avoiding the abuse. None of these will stop the violence. Eventually, the tension reaches a boiling point and physical abuse begins. Acute battering episode-When the tension peaks, the physical violence begins. It is usually triggered by the presence of an external event or by the abuser’s emotional state—but not by the victim’s behavior. This means the start of the battering episode is unpredictable and beyond the victim’s control. However, some experts believe that in some cases victims may unconsciously provoke the abuse so they can releaseShow MoreRelatedThe Problem of Domestic Violence1600 Words   |  7 Pagesexplained to him that I was there for the Annual Domestic Violence Conference and he said to me â€Å"We have that problem here?† I told him, â€Å"That problem is everywhere and actually one in three women will face abuse in one way or another in their lifetime.† I had just learned all of this information from attending this event. I started my role as a Victim Advocate only four days previous to this day. I was not aware of the complete picture of domesti c violence but I could relate this phenomena in beingRead MoreThe Problem Of Domestic Violence786 Words   |  4 PagesThe girl heard in the 911 call recording seems to be in imminent danger from exposure of domestic violence. Throughout the recording she sounds terrified as she is hysterically screaming and crying. She tells the operator that her mother and father are fighting and later noted that â€Å"this has been going on forever and ever.† Both the girl and the mother could be heard screaming â€Å"stop it.† During the recording the the girl also screams out â€Å"stop it, you are going to hurt the baby† which indicatesRead MoreProblems With Domestic Violence564 Words   |  2 PagesDomestic violence is very delicate topic when considering its relationship with child development. Children who are present within a family experiencing domestic violence are likely to experience problem integrating as they grow up and are probable to be significantly affect ed as a result of seeing one of their tutors being aggressed. Many children who see domestic violence happening in their homes typically believe that they are the reason for differences between their parents. In addition to thisRead MoreDomestic Violence and Social Problems1268 Words   |  6 PagesDomestic violence is a devastating social problem that impacts every sector of our population. Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner(USDOJ,2012). Domestic violence can be physical, economic, emotional, sexual, or psychological. Physical domestic violence is an attempt to impose physical injury such as grabbing, slapping, hitting, biting, etc. Physical violence can alsoRead MoreDomestic Violence : A Serious Problem1381 Words   |  6 PagesThere is no denying that domestic violence directed towards women is a serious problem all over the world, and here in the United States. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reports that every 9 seconds, a woman is physically assaulted or abused in America.(NCADV) To understand domestic violence, one must first understand what domestic violence can consist of, and that is; the use or threat to use physical, sexual, or verbal behavior to force the partner to do something one wants; toRead MoreDomestic Violence : The Problem And Its Setting854 Words   |  4 PagesThe Problem and Its Setting a) Statement of the problem Domestic violence is a violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner. Domestic violence is a serious epidemic that is taking place every second, every minute and every hour of the day. People assume domestic violence only effects women and children but it also effects men and the community as whole. This paper will not only inform the reader about domestic violence but also how toRead MoreDomestic Violence : A Hidden Problem Essay969 Words   |  4 Pages Domestic violence is a hidden problem in today s society. I will why domestic violence is important to be educated on. A lot of us do not know about domestic violence, and it is important that we educate ourselves on it. I think it is very important because no should endure any type of violence. I think if you know more about domestic violence, then you might be more likely to prevent yourself from getting in that situation. The statistics of domestic abuse against wome n has been estimated as highRead MoreThe Problem of Domestic Violence Essay1933 Words   |  8 PagesThe Problem of Domestic Violence A problem has become known and to many, they feel that its about time that the general public has taken notice. This problem has been a taboo for centuries and in the mid nineties it has chosen to let itself be known, the problem that I am talking about is domestic violence, it has ruined families, and demoralized the victims for years and now because of the trial of the century we finally are allowed to discuss it in detail, without fear of reprisal, now weRead MoreThe Serious Problem of Domestic Violence2524 Words   |  11 Pagesdiscusses about family violence, a serious social problem, and its effects on the public. Family violence also known as domestic violence â€Å"is when someone uses abusive behaviour [physical, sexual, or emotional] to control and/or harm a member of [his or her] family, or someone with whom they have an intimate relationship.† (Department of Justice) The writer explains why family violence/domestic violence is a social problem and whom the issue affects. The writer describes, how the problem shallows the wholeRead MoreChild Welfare Problems And Domestic Violence1280 Words   |  6 Pagesrepresentation of how your issue has developed over time. Domestic violence can include physical, verbal, sexual and emotional abuse. This is a wicked problem, meaning that the priorities of the government change and the definitions of the source of the problem vary between fixing the blame on inadequate and irresponsible parenting versus connecting it to the stresses of the larger social environment. Child welfare problems and domestic violence are affiliated to drug abuse and unmarried parenthood

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Essay Courage Free Essays

Courage is a highly acclaimed trait in a person. It is raised up in war and times of struggle, but sometimes the intentions behind these courageous actions are overlooked. The value of courage lies not in the act itself, but in the motivations and values behind it. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Courage or any similar topic only for you Order Now Simple being brave does not constitute courage. If an act is performed that has no thought behind, it loses its value. In the words of orator and lawyer Robert Green Ingersoll, â€Å"Courage without conscience is a wild beast. One should give some thought to an action before acting upon it. Without thought, or â€Å"conscience†, the action can be untimely and uncontrolled as would a â€Å"wild beast. † In 1999, two young men went on a shooting rampage at Columbine High School. This rash action, lacking conscience or concept of right and wrong, did not exhibit courage. Rather, good intentions and motivations should fuel courageous actions. As British author Samuel Johnson states, â€Å"Bravery has no place where it can avail nothing. In other words, courage or bravery is worthless and unnecessary if the final outcome cannot be beneficial. For example, the terrorists involved with the September 11th tragedy were not considered to be courageous here in the United States . Their actions caused grief and sorrow. Nothing positive resulted from their actions, so the United States and her allies looked upon this as a cowardly action. Courage is defined by the motivations and thoughts that exist within the action. If these do not exist, the value of courage is lost. As with the terrorists and the two young men at Columbine, their actions did indeed require nerve. However, they cannot be seen as courageous because of the lack of good motivation and value behind them. Even if one’s courageous action does not turn out to be effective, others will know that the right intentions existed. For that, they will recognize true courage. How to cite Essay Courage, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Gian Lorenzo Bernini Essay Example For Students

Gian Lorenzo Bernini Essay Giant Lorenz Bernini Ecstasy of Saint Teresa I chose Ecstasy of Saint Teresa by Bernini because it is an impressive multi-media installation that helps me understand the intense experience of Saint Threshers visions. Four black marble columns frame the scene of Saint Theresa floating as if on a cloud as a playful angel is about to plunge an arrow repeatedly into her. Her face portrays a feeling of intense pain and pleasure as she accepts the glory and light of her lord. Heavenly light is shining down on them. Through the use of natural light shining down from an unseen mystical source. Brass reflective rods are lined up in a row opening up towards the couple further signifying the beauty and grace of the light. From both sides of the main characters a viewer then notices a seated audience relief carved out of marble. The audience seems to be captivated by the untraditional portrayal of god like visions. The marble is so beautifully carved to render flesh and the texture of clothing. Ecstasy of Saint Teresa is equally frightening and stunning; reflecting the religion it represents. This piece is a perfect example of Baroque sculpture. A common characteristic of Baroque art is including the audience into the work. Ecstasy of Saint Teresa does this by way of the theater windows. The relief of witnesses within these windows gives the sense that all of this is happening on a stage, and the audience is thus placed in orchestral seats in front of the stage. This includes the viewers into the work and justifies the drama portrayed theatrically in front of us. The scene portrayed here is an intense one. Seeing the look on Saint Teeters face shows fear, pain, and pleasure. This is Juxtaposed with the look of calm playfulness on the angels face as he threatens her with the arrow. Natural light bathes both the figures in a holy light that implies a sense of realism to the existence of God. The emotional impression the piece implies is very characteristic of Baroque art. One can imagine the pious traveling great distances to be brought down on their knees by Berings instillation. Bernie was a master in working with marble. The articulate depiction of different weights of cloth is impressive. Saint Teresa is dressed in a heavy textile that weighs her down in the earthly sense. The angel is lifted into the heavens by his silky clothing that moves easily in the breeze. He shows off more of his craftsmanship by way of the balcony windows. There is an illusion of continued space beyond what we can see. Bernie also includes a stylized classical pediment. This pediment is cleverly utilized to hide a window that lets in the natural light that is focused on the centerpiece. Ecstasy of Saint Teresa was created using Marble, gilded brass, natural light, and architectural elements to create a whole composition. This makes Berings epic depiction the first multimedia installation that predates the popularization of the art form by 3 centuries.