Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Problem Of Domestic Violence - 860 Words

This research paper is design to help us understand how much of a problem that domestic violence is. This data used in this research was gather from numerous sources including journals, articles and a book. The purpose of using this data from the resources breakdown the components how the police culture and domestic violence operate on the same level on independence without any repercussions or interference the research also looks the responses of Honolulu Police department and how its policies and standards are ignored and overlooked by many police officers. Domestic violence is a continuous cycle that locks the abuser and victim into a loop that neither one nor the other has the ability to escape without intervention from an outside source. Tension building phase-Tension builds over common domestic issues like money, children or jobs. Verbal abuse begins. The victim tries to control the situation by pleasing the abuser, giving in or avoiding the abuse. None of these will stop the violence. Eventually, the tension reaches a boiling point and physical abuse begins. Acute battering episode-When the tension peaks, the physical violence begins. It is usually triggered by the presence of an external event or by the abuser’s emotional state—but not by the victim’s behavior. This means the start of the battering episode is unpredictable and beyond the victim’s control. However, some experts believe that in some cases victims may unconsciously provoke the abuse so they can releaseShow MoreRelatedThe Problem of Domestic Violence1600 Words   |  7 Pagesexplained to him that I was there for the Annual Domestic Violence Conference and he said to me â€Å"We have that problem here?† I told him, â€Å"That problem is everywhere and actually one in three women will face abuse in one way or another in their lifetime.† I had just learned all of this information from attending this event. 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The statistics of domestic abuse against wome n has been estimated as highRead MoreThe Problem of Domestic Violence Essay1933 Words   |  8 PagesThe Problem of Domestic Violence A problem has become known and to many, they feel that its about time that the general public has taken notice. This problem has been a taboo for centuries and in the mid nineties it has chosen to let itself be known, the problem that I am talking about is domestic violence, it has ruined families, and demoralized the victims for years and now because of the trial of the century we finally are allowed to discuss it in detail, without fear of reprisal, now weRead MoreThe Serious Problem of Domestic Violence2524 Words   |  11 Pagesdiscusses about family violence, a serious social problem, and its effects on the public. Family violence also known as domestic violence â€Å"is when someone uses abusive behaviour [physical, sexual, or emotional] to control and/or harm a member of [his or her] family, or someone with whom they have an intimate relationship.† (Department of Justice) The writer explains why family violence/domestic violence is a social problem and whom the issue affects. The writer describes, how the problem shallows the wholeRead MoreChild Welfare Problems And Domestic Violence1280 Words   |  6 Pagesrepresentation of how your issue has developed over time. Domestic violence can include physical, verbal, sexual and emotional abuse. This is a wicked problem, meaning that the priorities of the government change and the definitions of the source of the problem vary between fixing the blame on inadequate and irresponsible parenting versus connecting it to the stresses of the larger social environment. Child welfare problems and domestic violence are affiliated to drug abuse and unmarried parenthood

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