Monday, December 30, 2019

Sexually Explicit Content Can Corrupt The Future...

The internet offers material to a child that is important to their education and upbringing, and it provides them with promise and hope in this new age of technology. It is also a source of concern; the internet provides children with the vulnerability of exposure to sexually explicit materials. This essay will cover the ways in which the exposure to sexually explicit content can corrupt the future generation of children, in which ways in can influence their future and future decisions, and how the ‘pornification’ of society is damaging the children. Searching for pornographic material or sexual content is as easy as searching the word sex into any search bar, where it will come along with videos, photos, or even chatrooms. There was a time in which it was a taboo to look at or talk about pornography, and at those stages children only had a brief glance at it, heard about it, or had any contact with it. With today’s growing technology there is internet available on smartphones, PC computers, music devices, entertainment devices (such as Playstation or Xbox); and with all of this it is extremely difficult to keep track of what the future generation of children are watching, where they are watching it, or who they are watching it with. In 2009, a survey was conducted on Australian children to measure the percentage of children aged 5-8 and 12-14 that had a mobile Smartphone with internet access. 2% of children aged 5-8 had a Smartphone with internet access, while an extremeShow MoreRelatedMPAA Rating System Essay examples1566 Words   |  7 Pagesappear in films. In 1966, the MPAA elected Jack Valenti president and he changed the code to a rating system based on the amount of objectionable content in a film. The rating system went through several amendments until the current rating system. 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