Tuesday, January 7, 2020

School Uniforms - 777 Words

Most teenagers think that wearing uniforms is a waste of time and that it shouldnt be mandatory. There are many positive and negative effects but I believe that school uniforms should be mandatory. There are many advantages such as peer equivalency, self esteem, easier for parents, and also stress reducing. There are also some questionable disadvantages such as lack of self expression, demeaning morale, and lack of diversity. Teenagers of this day and age belong in the age group where peer pressure exists and students are more conscious of how they look, from the hair to their shoes. Although this is a normal thing, not all students belong in high-earning income families and can afford to buy expensive clothes and shoes. A uniform policy†¦show more content†¦Also wearing school uniforms is stress reducing for students. One of the challenges most people go through on a daily basis is deciding on what to wear. Students also face this dilemma of choosing their clothes going to school. Some struggle to look different each day while others worry on being bullied or judged on what kind of clothes they have. With a uniform policy in place a kid that often gets bullied can wake up knowing that he and the most popular kid in school is wearing the same thing. Without a uniform policy kids worry about being bullied all the time. A uniform policy eliminates this concern. Some students argue that they are not giving an opportunity to freely express themselves with regular clothes. There are people who have fashion statements and this does not exempt students. By dictating on them when it comes to the clothes they wear, they can be resentful about it. With that being said students can express themselves in other ways such the way they walk, the way they talk, and in many other ways. Also some students do not want to wear school uniforms because they feel as if it would hinder their performance in the classroom. They feel as if they are obligated to wear uniforms, their performance, behavior, and attendance will be affected in a negative way. With that being said students say those things for personal reasons. The clothes students wear does not have a real effect on performance inside the classroom.Show MoreRelatedSchool Uniforms And Schools Uniforms1211 Words   |  5 PagesSchool uniforms began their revolution in private schools; they represented a unique appearance, and provided a safe environment for the students attending. Private and Catholic schools were clever enough for implementing school uniforms, because without their influence public schools would have not adapted on creating a dress code for students. 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Also education is the roots that will help peopleRead MoreSchool Uniforms And Schools Uniforms819 Words   |  4 Pagesas school uniforms, many are quick to deem them as unjust and avoidable. What these individuals do not know is that, in fact, school uniforms would enhance how the learning environment functions. Surely, when schools provide their students with uniforms, they are not providing their students with dreadful apparel, they are providing their students with an opportunity to change; whether it be a chance for a student to change t heir role academically, or a chance for a student to fit in. School uniformsRead MoreSchool Uniforms1143 Words   |  5 PagesSchool uniforms make things more complicated Firstly, school is the place where all of us step in at a very tender age. In one word, life begins at school. It’s not just education but school gives us the platform to nurture our faith, emotions in such an early stage of life. The importance of making friends, working as a team- we learn all these in school. And wearing the same dress definitely brings a sense of unity among students. In every school there are students from different backgrounds butRead MoreSchool Uniforms: Yes or No?2109 Words   |  9 Pages3 March 2011 School Uniforms: A Non-Military Proposal for Swedens Students The word school uniform has negative connotations for many people. It makes them think of war, of soldier, of death, brainwashed airheads doing exactly the same as everybody else. It makes them think of reformed, collectivized groups of people with no personal identity. There are, however, reasons for the existence of the uniform; one of them being, as the name suggests, the purpose of uniting. At schools all around theRead MoreDress Codes And School Uniforms1248 Words   |  5 Pagesembarrassing than being dress coded at school? 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